
Balansuojantys boiliai CCMOORE NS1 Dumbell Wafters Pink
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Supplied in 10x14mm dumbell shape, pots of 50 hookbaits

Balanced buoyancy; ideal for various wafter rigs and presentations

A durable, toughened skin enables them to last for 24hrs+

Designed both for use alone or over loose feed/boilies

Striking hi-viz pink colour for outstanding visual attraction

Contains an extremely high level of our powerful citrus-fruit type ‘NS1 flavour’

CCM Pop Up Mix maximises flavour and attractor leakage

Ideal texture for coating with the matching ‘Hookbait Booster’

NS1s are ‘probably’ the most successful carp hookbait ever used
Skystis CCMOORE Liquid Crab Compound 500 ml
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Liquid Crab Compound properties:

Concentrated natural extracts add valuable nutrients & potent attraction

Enzyme treated fish protein rich in essential amino acids

Packed with fine crab meat particles which really cloud the water

High solubility and digestibility - designed for year-round use

Rich in powerful natural, attractors, stimulates confident feeding

PVA friendly so ideal in bag and stick mixes

Salty crab taste and smooth yeasty/fish aroma

Dense liquid - also penetrates the lake bad for lasting pulling power

pH 6.1 – very slightly acidic
Skystis CCMOORE Liquid Bloodworm Compound
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With an oil-free, natural food profile, Liquid Bloodworm Compound lends itself perfectly to use in P.V.A. bags and on dynamite-type sticks, whilst also being ideally suited for use as a bait soak or dip to provide an added boost of attraction.
Paruoštas PVA Jaukas CCMOORE Oily Bag Mix 1 kg
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This outstanding PVA bag mix has been designed by some of the most successful day ticket anglers in Carp angling. It contains a carefully selected blend of powerful fish-attracting products that pack a multitude of different feeding stimulants into every PVA bag you cast out, constantly pulling fish into your baited area.

Supplying very high quality antioxidants, fish proteins/amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and omega fish oils, Oily Bag Mix also contains pure Salmon Micro Feed and Antarctic Krill Meal that will be released to form a fine natural particle cloud in your swim, encouraging fish to drop down and feed on your bag mix – a deadly tactic
Skystis CCMOORE Hot Chorizo Compound
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This outstanding liquid food enables anglers targeting a broad range of species the opportunity to dramatically enhance their baits with a powerful, smoky, meaty profile that makes their baits really stand out from the crowd.
Antiseptikas ProCare RidgeMonkey 20 ml
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Aukščiausios kokybės vaistai karpiams iš RidgeMonkey gamintojų
Vaistai sukuria nepralaidų vandeniui sluoksnį
Itin smarkiai sumažina užkrėtimo galimybę
Galima žuvis patepti tiek ant pilvo, pelekų, lūpų ir kitų vietų, kur yra žaizdos.
Pašaras RENMARBAITS Karšis
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Remdamiesi žuvų mitybos specialistų žiniomis bei profesionalių žvejų patirtimi, panaudojus šiuolaikinę gamybos technologiją Renmar Baits sukūrė natūralius, maistingus ir skanius žūklės jaukus, kurių pagalba žuvys bus sveikesnės, o žvejai laimingesni. Pagaminta panaudojus karšių mėgstamus kviečius, sojų pupeles, soras, žemės riešutus, sraiges, krevečių ir midijų ekstraktą, amino rūgštis.