The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!! All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by our bait developers over the last 3 decades, so you can have confidence in every bag, the only thing you need to worry about is which swim to fish! Attraction a carp can’t ignore, at a price that anglers can’t resist!
The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!! All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by our bait developers over the last 3 decades, so you can have confidence in every bag, the only thing you need to worry about is which swim to fish! Attraction a carp can’t ignore, at a price that anglers can’t resist!
The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!! All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by our bait developers over the last 3 decades, so you can have confidence in every bag, the only thing you need to worry about is which swim to fish! Attraction a carp can’t ignore, at a price that anglers can’t resist!
The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!! All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by our bait developers over the last 3 decades, so you can have confidence in every bag, the only thing you need to worry about is which swim to fish! Attraction a carp can’t ignore, at a price that anglers can’t resist!
Perkant dvi pakuotes, trečią gaunate DOVANŲ! If You buy 2 packs, you get one for free!
The TX1 bait range has being designed with one thing in mind, quick bites!! All four classic flavours are packed with quality ingredients and enhanced flavoring. The simple, quality base mix ingredients gives an open texture to the boilie resulting in a high leakage rate of flavour, ensuring a wide attraction. The base mix has being refined by our bait developers over the last 3 decades, so you can have confidence in every bag, the only thing you need to worry about is which swim to fish! Attraction a carp can’t ignore, at a price that anglers can’t resist!
Semi-buoyant boilies
Gorgeous chocolate orange aroma
Designed to produces a semi-buoyant presentation
The bait moves naturally when fish are feeding in the area
Colour: Bright orange
Size: 6, 10, 12 mm
Supplied in a 70g pot
Four classic big fish baits combined; Hemp, Tares along with crushed Peanuts and Tigers – a mix that simply screams fish attraction! Perfectly prepared to let you dispatch the mix of particle goodness straight from the jar, this mix is ideally suited to spod mixes and loose feed aimed at inducing intense and competitive feeding. Add any Smart Liquid or Active Ade Particle & Pellet Syrup to personalise your mix further!Available in 3 litre jars(Please note the Nutty Hemp & Tares is NOT PVA friendly)
Available in 6mm &8mm
Dumbell shaped
Perfect for banding or hair rigging
Realistic natural pellet colour
Can be glugged and flavoured
Supplied in a handy screw top tub
8mm just sinks under the weight of a hook
6mm designed to be balanced with a Hook
Makes a great method feeder bait
Or better still, pellet Waggler hookbait!
Tirpstantys šeriaminiai boiliai RENMAR BAITS Soluble Boilies - vieni populiariausių boilių tarp karpininkų. Foodie - Tai naujausias RENMAR gaminys, visiškai unikalus produktas, neturintis analogų rinkoje dėl gamybos technologijos. Tai greitai tirpstantis boilis, saldaus vaisinio bazinio mišinio, tačiau puikiai įsisavinamas, labai atraktyvus ir greitai „dirbantis”. Sudėtyje yra žuvies miltai, proteinai, jūros gėrybių ekstraktai, kepenų ekstraktas ir kt. Šie boiliai testuoti visuose pagrindiniuose Lietuvos sportiniuose telkiniuose bei skirti naudoti visą sezoną, siekiant maksimalių tikslų žūklės bei sportinių varžybų metu.
Tirpstantys šeriaminiai boiliai RENMAR BAITS Soluble Boilies - vieni populiariausių boilių tarp karpininkų. Foodie - Tai naujausias RENMAR gaminys, visiškai unikalus ir neturintis analogų rinkoje dėl gamybos technologijos. Tai greičiausiai iš mūsų gaminamų tirpiųjų masalų yrantis boilis, truputį “žuvinio” bazinio mišinio, puikiai įsisavinamas, labai atraktyvus ir greitai “dirbantis”. Sudėtyje esantys ingredientai ypatingai gerai gali absorbuoti vandenį bei išskirti didelį kiekį natūralių ekstraktų, nuostabų “Source” kvapų derinį. Šie boiliai testuoti visuose pagrindiniuose Lietuvos sportiniuose telkiniuose bei skirti naudoti visą sezoną, ypatingai šaltąjį, siekiant maksimalių tikslų žūklės bei sportinių varžybų metu.
Gerai žinomos „Coppens“ juodojo oto granulės susideda iš jūros žuvų miltų, išgrynintų žuvų taukų ir kraujo produktų. Tirpstant granulei, tirpūs žuvies ir kraujo baltymai išleidžia akivaizdų kvapo taką. Labai universali granulė karpių žvejybai ištisus metus.